ROWAN BISS GCH CH Skywatcher Dublin's Irish Ire - "Rowan" SR92049902 DOB 3/15/16 OFA Hips- Fair, OFA Elbows, Shoulders, Patellas- Normal, OFA Eyes- normal, PRA and DM clear by parentage, EIC clear by testing. 23.5" tall, 78 lbs. (CH Skywatcher's Over A Barrel x BOSS GCH Monarch's Ferrin Clover)
HENNIE Skywatcher's Hennessey Honey "Hennie" SS09894901 DOB 01/23/19 OFA Hips- Good, Elbows, Shoulders, Patellas all Normal. OFA Eyes- Normal. PRA, DM, EIC, SFS, IDDT1, and long coat - All clear by testing. 22.5" Tall, 60 lbs. (Skywatcher's Barrel O'Brew x CH Skywatcher's Golden Arrow)
Skywatcher's Phat Bottom Girl SS19881501 DOB 06/19/2020 OFA Hips- Good, OFA Elbows and Shoulders- Normal, PRA, DM, SFS, IDDT1, and long coat clear and EIC carrier by testing. (Skywatcher's Golden Arrow "Archer" x BISS GCH Skywatcher Dublin's Irish Ire "Rowan")
Skywatcher's Full O'Hops SS28177703 DOB 6/19/2021 (Skywatcher's Double Barrel O'Booze "Rhino" x CH Skywatcher's PHat Bottom Girl "Raina") OFA Hips- Good, OFA Elbows and Eyes Normal, DM, PRA, EIC, SFS, IDDT1, Long Coat- All Clear by Testing.