May 2007- I thought I would send you some new pics of Nixon. He’s still my sweetie. I love him to death. I seriously don’t think I’ve ever known a dog as gentle and sweet as he is. He still sleeps with me every night. He sleeps with his head on my pillow and he puts his little paw over my stomach like he’s cuddling with me!! No one believed me until he cuddled with my sister’s boyfriend while he took a nap. It’s been such a blessing how well he does around kids. My sister had a little boy about 10 mo. ago and he loves Nixon and Nixon loves him too (especially when he’s got food in his hands). He just licks Caleb’s face and makes him laugh. It’s really cute. Kristin & Carlton
November 2008– Jo has proven that she is full-on one birdy dog! We have made it pheasant hunting four times this season with really good results. Her best day, she flushed 9 birds and her worst, only 2. It’s certainly not easy to convince a Chessie that we can only take 2 birds a trip when she keeps putting up more. Despite the fact we have only hunted one afternoon a week (and only on weekends), her improvement each trip is remarkable, she now hits the field looking like the grasses are hiding her favorite play toy and there will be hell to pay if it’s not given back. I hope all is well with you and yours, and I look forward to sending you some water fowl action shots as we get to the nasty weather time of year. ~Rick
Dec 2008- Hi Michelle… Pheasant season just wrapped up here, Zeke did great (incredible for a 12 month old dog actually), hunted like an old pro, made some incredible retrieves, couldn’t wear him out… few of my hunting buddies are starting to think pretty hard about Chessies now… :-)...will send a few pics, didn’t end up with any great ones… maybe next year. The one with him coming through the fence with a pheasant is after he spotted a downed bird (that he had flushed) out over 200 yards from where he first saw of the best retrieves I have seen in years of bird hunting… (now I’m bragging…) Have a Merry Xmas...Dennis
March 2008- Hi Michelle, We are really enjoying Scout, and are so happy we got him! He now weighs 48 lbs and has lots of energy. He goes to work with Curt each day, and plays with Jacob and Eli every afternoon. He loves to play soccer, fetch and likes to field baseballs. We’re still trying to get him to drop the baseballs back into the bucket though! He will be a good bird dog, and will start some training soon. We hope to take him to obedience school soon, although he sits on command almost every time and usually comes when called. He finally got the potty training thing figured out. Oh, our 5 year old wrote in his school journal today, “Scout and I love each other. Scout is my puppy. I love Scout to Andromeda and back.” ~Anne, Curt, Jacob and Eli July 2008- Hi Michelle! Scout sure is fun this summer. It’s amazing how much he loves water!! We can’t water flowers or run the sprinkler without him in it soaking wet. He loves the river as well, and is sure a good dog. We love him!
Oct 2008- I have owned Chesapeakes for over 35 years and Katie is the fastest learning Chessie I have ever had, and her speed in retrieving is phenomenal. She did awesome for her 1st year of duck hunting, she made her first duck retrieves and she uses sight and has a fantastic nose. Hoping to use her for pheasant next year and I am sure she will be great. Thanks again, Joe
October 2008- I had fears that she would be a single person dog (Joe), and that she would not get along well with my 2 mixed breed family dogs. While she has a very strong personality, she also gets along great with my 2 pets, and is very affectionate with family members. When strangers come in the yard, she has a deep, serious bark, but she looks at us and waits to see what we want from her. I have to remind her that she is not the only dog in the house, but she takes it well, and loves to snuggle. She is a wonderful pet and retriever. (I did get to help train her, and she was amazing in the water) ~Eileen
December 2008- Hey Michelle, Here is a picture of Babe in the duck blind at 15 weeks. She is a strong dog and should be a great hunter. ~Doug
February 2009- Just wanted to send some pictures of Ruger. He is almost six months old now and doing great! He has such a good personality to him, and a very quick learner. Ruger is very much a people person dog, his is a very friendly and loving dog. ~Chris
June 2009- I just wanted to let you know what a great dog Tule has become. She is always receiving complements from everyone she meets about how beautiful she is, and that she is a sweet loving dog and not like the Chessies they have met in the past. Tule is not only a great retriever, but she helps me herd cattle! Everyone who has met Tule is excited to see her and asks if they can take her home with them. I think it’s because she likes to cuddle with everyone. She loves to be close and lean against people. I’m looking forward to the hunting season this year. She is always kicking up grouse and pheasants when we go for walks in the hills and fields. Her introduction to waterfowl hunting will be on a youth hunt, so I will be sure to send some pictures. I have noticed that she seems to have a better nose than my wife’s chocolate lab. She usually finds the bumper faster than the lab in thick cover. Take care, Aaron Oct 2010- The two of us were able to get out yesterday and we had a great hunt. And Tule, by the way, was flawless! She definitely has the Chessie drive and determination. She also has developed the Chessie retrieving attitude, "I don't tell you how to shoot the birds, you don't tell me how to retrieve them." But I don't need to say much anymore, she does her job well. She was not able to see two of the birds fall, just heard them, and went straight to them and straight back. I was impressed because this spot I hunt is thick with vegetation and is difficult to get around, but Tule plows herself through it. ~Aaron
April 2010- Can you believe it? Scout is about to be a year old and I realized that it’s been a few months since we sent you any updated pictures. Since we last talked Scout has earned her CGC, started agility and even competed in her first Dock Dogs competition at the 2010 Puyallup Spring Fair. She is doing really well and we love her so much! We are especially excited to do some fun things outdoors this summer and looking forward to this year’s hunting season… it should be a good one. Anyways, I am sending a couple of new pictures...I hope you enjoy them. ~Jenna and Jared
June 2009- We love our Sassie! ~Linda
June 2016- Hi Michelle, happy summer! Just took these shots of Jax this morning and wanted to share. Look at that expression! He's hilarious, continues to be such an amazing dog in every way. We love him to death. Weighed him in last week at 85lbs (born 2/2/2015). Handsome boy. ~Heather
May 2016- Samson is doing so well and is very happy here in Idaho. He went swimming for the first time, is retrieving, sitting, and responds to his name and comes when he is called. The cat and chickens are adjusting. So far so good with the chickens. He watches but they free range and he is scared of their fluttery wings. Our old 16 year old shelter dog, Anna, passed away after 3 weeks with Samson. She adored him. Our sons dog, Skipper, age 7 will be with us all summer as my son has a summer job in the field with Fish and Wildlife so he can't have him. Skipper came home and they met and had fun so it should be a good summer to have the 2 dogs together. I have attached some photos. Samson is a smart, good looking dog and we adore him. He also is quite the love. ~John and Joan
March 2017- Redi has been a great 89+ lb addition to our family. (Last weigh in was 6 months ago.) She put in another great hunting season this year. This time putting in over 100+ great goose retrieves and a great show for all my work clients. Sometimes I think watching our dogs do their part of the hunt is as fun as the hunt itself. She loved summertime fun, swimming and fishing on the jet boat and got in a few fly fishing camp trips on the raft. Also included with the pics is a backseat road trip in the back seat when she was only 8 months. ~Kevin
May 2019- Good Morning and happy Memorial Day! Jeff and I thought we would let you know how Zora (blue collar from Archer x Whiskey) is doing. We are having a grand time with the little man. We want to thank you for doing a fabulous job with him in his early days. The amount of love and socialization you gave him early on really shows. We took him out on our boat for the first time yesterday and he had a wonderful experience. We look forward to many more good times. Nancy and Jeff